Friday, October 23, 2009

Head full of useless knowledge

It is no secret that I have a lot of useless knowledge in my head, mostly having to do with pop culture or entertainment. I am not sure why this type of information sticks with me when a lot of important stuff flies right out of my head but it does and my friends and family know this. It makes me good at trivia.
Last night I was sitting at home catching up on TiVo and I get this text from my friend KS....

Crazy enough I knew exactly that LHOTP stood for Little House on the Prairie, but the rest of the description was clearly not enough to come up with a a plausible answer. I actually paused my TiVo and thought about it for a good 10 minutes wracking my brain. I texted back, "I need more Info"
About 10 minutes later KS called me and said if she had more info she would know who it was as well as to illuminate me on why she was stalking a D- List celebrity at her local corner store. I asked more questions like, can you think of a small role she might have played or any actors who were in the TV show or movie she was also in? Nope. All she could tell me was she was an annoying younger sister type with curly blonde hair and big teeth, kind of goofy. We managed to talk it out some more and landed on the time frame being the 80's. I threw out shows like Growing Pains, the little girl is too young, Rosanne, it wasn't the first Becky but a good guess, Full House etc. Then we started talking movies. I was thinking John Hughes right away. KS said she is definitely a John Hughes type character. Then a light bulb went off. The little sister in Some Kind of Wonderful. Not the youngest sister that was Candace Cameron of Full House but the middle sister....YES!!! That was it. KS was amazed I managed to pull that out of my butt but hey that is the stuff that is burned in my brain. I have a lot of stupid useless knowledge taking up valuable space up there but this time it resulted in an impromptu catch up session with a friend who lives too far away from me these days.
In case you do not remember the little sister here is a picture from the movie to jolt your memory. Ms. Maddie Corman ala Laura Neslon.

and of course you all remember her, Watts...because we all know after HS was over she dumped stupid Keith Nelson went on to become a big old Mo.

and who did not want to be on the other end of this kiss....

enough said.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I was just as surprised as anyone the other morning when I heard Obama won the Nobel Peace prize. My first thought was, what!?!?, that is weird but then I remembered the day after he was elected and the celebrations held around the world. I was so moved to see people in the streets of England, Germany, France, Africa etc gathering and supporting us again.

Leicester Square England(Leon Neil, Getty)

The last time that happened was the solemn days after 9/11. There are many people in this country who do not want to see Obama succeed. I do not understand this. No matter how I felt about Bush I knew if he failed our country would fail and that is exactly what happened. Do we really want that to continue, it is obvious the rest of the world doesn't. If the good people of Oslo gave Obama this prize for bringing the world together again around our great nation after many years of alienation then I can get behind that. I believe Obama and the U. S. can live up to those expectations. Don't you?

-- Post From My iPhone