Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I guess that wasn't a good idea

The LF and I decided to take the same week off as last year. This year the Pats were in the Superbowl and we all know how that turned out. That did not did not stop us from having a good time. This year Ashlee and Michaela came to visit, we played cards, trivia, cribbage and had special Patriots shots thanks to Dr. Laura.

Though this year the snow is not as plentiful as last year, the last couple of days on the mountain have been great. Last year we were quite spoiled. It has caused me to make some adjustments and set my expectations. Loon has created some amazing conditions with what they have and there is nothing like having the mountain to yourself on the week days, no lines and wide open trails.
I got a little cocky today and was trying some tricks. I also love when the Sun is behind me and I am boarding in front of my shadow. Today I tried to take some video with my iPhone and bit it. Hence the following video.
YouTube Video

I cracked myself up watching it later.
The sun came out just at the right time today and we had some beautiful views from North Peak.

Not sure what was happening here.

We certainly earned our après ski beers today in the always sunny Bunyan Room.

We even got a bit of a show as this cute pup started herding in skiers and boarders as they were coming down the mountain. It was really cute and luckily the mountain was empty by then.

All in all a good start to vacation. We are making the trek up to Sunday River tomorrow to check out their conditions. Keeping our fingers crossed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iP

Location:Riverfront Dr,Woodstock,United States

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sick Day

I started the new year with a sick day. It was one of those days I knew rest would just help ward off the way I was feeling. I do not get sick too often so having a rest day when feeling something coming on does me a world of good. After sleeping in and moving to the couch the boredom immediately sets in. It was me and HC for the day and of course since I had my iPhone handy pictures were going to be taken:

11am: Had some cereal and HC always gets the left over milk. He is spoiled.

12:00 pm: After a milk breakfast someone needed a nap on the warm radiator behind the couch. I was playing with my Hipstamatic app.
12:45pm: Ohhhh someone is up and interested in what I am doing. I am taking another picture from the couch dummy. Different Hipstamatic lens.
1:30: It took me a while but I finally got off the couch and took out boxes so I could take the ornaments off the Christmas Tree. It is right next to the couch so not much movement needed. Empty boxes are HC's favorite, plus I think he wants the Christmas Tree to stay, it is the best toy ever.

2:30pm: Ornaments are slowly coming off the tree, notice HC has not moved from his box, so I cannot put ornaments in that one. Asshat. Plus, now he will not look me in the eye.

2:45pm: HC realizes all those toys that were on the tree are now in the box right beside him. He can barely maintain his composure, notice the paw going in for the kill. Frog caught his eye, right in the middle of the box.
2:46pm: "Ohhh, look I must kill the frog ornament. I will kill it."
2:50pm: "Please do not take my favorite box, or the tree. Pleeeeeassse."

3:00pm: "Ohhhhh, a string of lights."


3:30pm: Finally done and checking Twitter in the iPad. I think HC may have opened an account while I was napping.