Friday, July 24, 2009


What is wrong with this picture? No it is not that some of us, me included, decided to not put our beers down when taking a photo with the Mayor of Boston. Look closer and notice what most of us are wearing after our 5K(Harborview 5K) run in JULY!!! Yes...pants, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts and jackets. Why, you may ask, because it was 60 frakking degrees out, and JULY! Not news to some but this summer has been a wash out. We have not been able to put 1 whole week together without rain. The dirt in the the plants on my deck has been wet for two straight months now. It is gross. I know I have been bitching about this for a while but I am not alone. I along with my fellow New Englanders are DONE:

- With having everything wet
- With my hair looking like crap
- With walking Ramona in the rain
- With my apt smelling like wet dog
- With stepping on and crunching snails that have made my walk way their personal highway
- With my new kayak racks and kayaks not getting any use
- With running in the rain
- With damp pants at work
- With S.A.D

When July came I think we New Englanders were hoping for a fresh start. No luck. Maybe with August 1st around the corner we will get the summer we have been waiting for. We can only hope.

1 comment:

  1. Come visit. I think you'd like Sacramento.
    There is a bunch o' stuff to complain about, so you could still be Stephie! But you'd be a warm, bronzed, beautiful Cali girl.

    Oh yes, by two rivers, lake Tahoe and the ocean (for the Kayaks)
    great running trails
    lots of dogs
    no, absoutely no S.A.D
    we're all happy here.
