Tuesday, June 9, 2009

You're killing me

This has become part of Mel's and My vernacular while we were traveling Europe. We needed something to defuse tense traveling times. This worked perfect when I started to go into crank mode or when Mel was being indecisive. Either one of us would say it and it would instantly placate the other person and we would laugh. This little trick has followed us home and we are now using it constantly for many situations besides annoying each other. I think I hear it more from her for lots of reasons, which I won't go into here. Those who know me will know. I have been using this phrase a lot with the animals lately for example; When HC is going crazy, trying to escape off the porch, licks my head in the middle of the night with his sandpaper tounge and attacks me unprovoked also when Ramona doesn't poop, let's HC bully her, squeezes in between couch and coffee table only to trip me up every time, and licks everything...I think you get the point.
Other things that have prompted this phrase from my mouth lately:
- Co-worker taking a personal phone call in middle of a meeting
- Apple's failure to put at least zoom on the new 3Gs iPhone
- AT&T not supporting MMS right away, poor form
- Drivers who cut through the gas station on corner of rt 9 and S. Huntington and almost run me down
- The Housewives of NJ
- How easy it was to guess J and E computer passwords
-How much Toast sucks for getting shows from TiVo to my Mac. Still kicking myself for buying it

The list goes on, here is what prompted it tonight.

-- Post From My iPhone

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